Friday, August 05, 2005

Continuously In Conflict of Interest - Paying Respect to Your Business Partners

Paying Respect To Your "Allegedly Oil Tied Friends and Financiers" Business Partners
By D'Anne Burley

They report that our former President, current Vice Presudent and others pay their respect, but again the truth is that the ties run much deeper. It not a issue of paying last respect its our keeping a watchful eye on them in the like of the Karl Rove, scandal, and knowing that these meetings and visits can link more business connects in light conversation amongst friends and oil allies.

Due to these events can lie the out of site talks which could lead to the acts of Conflict of Interest and could cause the conditions for treason to be commited within possible conversation.

Again, former President Bill Clinton was impeached for having "Sexually Relations" a issue of Adultry" which many claim could have caused a breach of National Security but again when those currently travel out of country to visit those they had "alleged" business ties to via Oil Corporations, and more, during our nations heighten time of security, is ok and well and fine with all. Why?

At the same time of this visit Bin Laden's second in command is back on the air making statements of terror, so why would they go, would they not in danger too for traveling into a area which is anywhere in the middle east where American's are danger from insurgents and others?

The Possibilities Conflict of Interest and ties should be watch by all because we are indeed in dangerous times.


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Vice President
Dick Cheney, accompanied by former President George H.W. Bush and former Secretary of State

Colin Powell, paid respects Friday to new Saudi King Abdullah and offered condolences on the death of his half brother, the former king.

Reporters in the capital, Riyadh, were barred access to the American delegation, which was to have an audience with the new king after Friday prayers in the deeply conservative desert kingdom.

Oil-rich Saudi Arabia is a major U.S. ally in the Middle East, and Abdullah has worked to repair ties strained by the Sept. 11 attacks, in which 15 of the attackers were Saudis. The Bush family has had close ties with the Saudi leadership for decades.


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