Prof. David Ray Griffin - Theolgian, Lecturer, Patriot and REAL CHRISTIAN SPEAKS OUT ABOUT THE FACTS OF 9/11 on C-SPAN HERE IS THE MOVIE
Here is the Movie you may have missed on C-Span
David Ray Griffin, Theologian
on C-Span 04-18-05 (9/11 Omissions & Distortions)
University of Wisconsin Madison
24.8 MB
Movie: 81 min. 46 sec.
PowerPoint Presentation/Movies
9/11 Attack on America Part 1
The Irregularities of 9/11
9/11 Attack on America Part 2
Omissions & Distortions
(David Ray Griffin)
David Ray Griffin, Theologian
Subject: Latest article, Explosive Treason!
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 12:49:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Treis
Explosive Treason
By Michael Treis
CNN Reported No Plane Hit Pentagon
A movement to get by program off the air ? Was it to "STOP" by US Senate Request for Independant Council to investigate "ACTS OF TREASONS AND 9/11"
Attack against my Website by someone who seek to get my program off the air and stop the funding of because I am involved in getting the TRUTH TOLD!
Please read on:
Open Letter toi those listening to Truth radio I am about getting the TRUTH OUT! Those who seek to stop the truth Sent out letters like this one, to control the press and the truth and remove it from our air ways....
Dear Richard,
This is a real Christian? and this is what I am about getting out the truth! and God would not allow one man's oppinion to be the voice of all, this man's intent is to stop the truth from being told and he is not a christian but another spill doctor who is seeking to control the air ways to create the venue to have terrorist attacking our country!
This is the only reason this man is involved in such and Attack on my site and also my program!
I have lauched internationally a movement to get acts of Treason established against the Bush Whitehouse so is it not interesting that this man comes out from no where and complains against my site could it be that he wants me off the air so that those involved can stop what I am involved in?
Read on and pass on! And indeed real Christians and involved in this movenemtn and are not involved in spreading tales so that they can rid themselve of those who are involved of a BIG CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE US.
by site is
I have sent to my US Senator in Illinois to show that the Bush White house was involved in 9/11 attack against the USA and others and there is the movie I have given below from a very Christan who is involved on C-Span's programming to speak out about this truth!
This man is involved in another spim and conspiracy against what I am involved in and is not a christian,
The bible stated that within the final days man will turn against woman and man against man, that those within the Church will cause and follow lies and deception against the world to allow those who are involved in the truth not to be heard and to allow the Anti christ control of the world!
I am involved in a higher practice of believe and have been given all the tools needed to get the truth out without seeking it just comes each day, by hos very grace and he is not involved in my website he is involved in the truth only and is using my ability and that of this station to do this ...
To whom it may concern:
I am a American Citizen whose Civil Rights have become denied and whereby millions of America's rights have become invalid to Treason Acts Again the American People by those who sought financial gain and control of foreign markets in a plot alleged against the World as well.
I am writing to see if your court can investigate these crimes and help us get our nations civil liberty and freedoms back and not allow those within to act within Conflict of Interest and use they post as measures to create acts of alleged treason against the nation is it to serve.
There are many whistle blowers within the US who alleged they are without any rights within the US Court, and that are later the victim of attacks and assaults by unknown persons for speaking out who are seeking legal remedy without anywhere to address it.
They victimized you by using clout, connections to hospitals to cause health problems whereby you will not be a problem anymore to them, and have placed news embargo's so that those seeking to speak out can not all which is against the Consitutional Laws and Civil Rights Code of the US.
These acts have caused many in other nations great haredships because these acts of alleged Treason involved more than just the US itself.
We have drafted laungage and placed in within US Senate Offices asking for a independent Council to be appointed to investigate the issue of alleged treason and scemes to develop money from oil, corporate interest and other means to control the US economy.
If you can do anything to help us please write me and I will pass your statements on,
Sincerely Yours,
D'Anne Burley
The D'Anne Burley Show - featured on
please read on:
To: Judiciary Staff
Fax Number: 1-202-228-4260
Subject: Request for appointment of an Independent Council to investigate alleged Acts of Treason by the President Bush Adminstration and others named therein
Date: 5/6/2005 11:45:20 AM Pages: 10
From: Danne Burley
BDS Production
933 South Quincy Street
Hinsdale Illinois 60521
Phone: 630-303-0742
Company Phone: 630-303-0742
Fax: 8662656929
Dear Senator Obama;
We are seeking to ask you to introduce the following Judiciary Issue before the Senate at the next possible Session.
The bill covers the issue of alleged misconduct and alleged acts of Treason that lead to Sept 11th., 2001 and other acts of treason on the United States People and those around the world.
Please read on and the language appears at the end of this document.
Please contact me at 630-918-6967
Thank you,
D'Anne Burley
The D'Anne Burley Show featured on 6pm central time.
BDS Productions
From: D’Anne Burley
Host and Producer of “The D’Anne Burley Show featured on Mon - Tues - Wed 6pm central time
P.O. Box 13019, Chicago, Illinois 60613 Ph 630-918-6967
E-mail Blogger:
Internet Radio Program:
D’Anne Burley’s Story about terrorist Cell in Illinois:
Program Guest:
New Internet Radio Station:
Press Release
From: Ms. D’Anne Burley - Activist, Host and Producer of The D’Anne Burley Show - featured on, and a citizen of the United States of America, who is seeking that Justice is bought back into the US., whereby I as many others have felt that we have been lied to and caused harm, placed in financial bankruptcy, whereby those who have whistle blew facts with documentation and evidence are denied basic rights within civil procedure to have a case heard without bias, and with equal justice, all caused by those who have sought to use government offices and their clout, influence, connections with Corporations, State and local Government Officials, and law enforcement agencies within these offices to commit crimes against the United States, the people within and the World.
Because those involved had place a news EMBARGO on many Radio Stations, and news sources within the United States much of the facts of Sept 11th., 2001, and prior assaults against the America public has been suppressed, and or covered up so that they can continue to gain and establish control and connections worldwide for the reason of Financial Gain and Control, which are all acts of “Conflict of Interest” which because of these actions place the United States at risk from nations of the world obtaining our secrets, ane by used of privatized makes the US at risk to foreign take over of control because of those who seek to do business outside our nation because of ties to Oil Businesses and other business involvement which has and will net them economical wealth while serving as our world leaders and officials.
To date there has been countless numbers of lawsuits filed on the behalf of families of the victims of 9/11 who have not receive any benefit from all the money connected from donations to the Red Cross and other non-for-profit agencies who claimed to have collected money for them, the victims of Oklahoma City have stood alone, with many questions left unanswered by again government officials who had special agents involved who were told to watch Timothy McVeigh and others prior to the bombing with no one doing anything to stop these events went the agents sought to get those within the Government to do something to stop the event.
The families of Oklahoma City received less than nothing and no financial aid other that one alleged person who got a $10k tax break. While there were alleged Fema funds, again the issue of this event laid within the hands of those involved within our nation. To this date their has been no account to where all the money had gone.
Within the past week the news Embargo was lifted only on Cable Stations and because of this C-Span will on May 7th., 2005, have a program on with a Professor who wrote the Book “ THE NEW PEARL HARBOR” on the program who will share within his lecture and forum information on facts and details about 9/11 and the World Trade Center in NYC.
On the heels of C-Span being able to report more without reprisal citizens within the US and the world will see that there are many facts which were hidden and not fully investigated on all the events of “Terrorism against America and the World”.
And the cover-up and facts missed will be open for public view.
As a Talk Show Host, Investigative Reporter and a Whistle Blower in Illinois who located a Jihad, and Al-Quada Cell with Flight School in Palos Hills, Palos Heights, Broadview and Chicago with ties within various counties, Saudi Royal House, and those with vested interest in our Government who had protected those outside the US because of connections to Oil firms, and other businesses, all alleged profiting off of sub-ownership roles, and investments in foreign based businesses.
I sought from before 9/11 and after to get the policing agencies to look into facts of Financial gain made via cells here which were used to help finance 9/11 and other events again which were covered up and because of my pursuit against this and other corruption I has many other whistle blowers ended up attacked, poisoned with my home, given poor medical treatment and or treatments that had cause un-recoverable illnesses without any legal remedy of recourse because the corruption factors have reach each and every state and have bloomed into a full scale corruption network going into the White house itself.
On my program on Wednesday May 4th., 2005, I had interviewed with Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med, ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space, 3339 West 41 Avenue Vancouver, BC, and the author of Exopolitic’s about the issue of 9/11 and the book by “The New Pearl Harbor” a book with much detail of facts of 9/11 and alleged actions of those who within this book are alleged connected to lying to the public and the world!
Because of these facts and the facts that on my program as Alfred’s Radio Show in Canada and many other programs on internet, and other radio stations, with credible witnesses, former Government Employees and others all having facts of the same nature and facts that there was an alleged involvement within the United States White House and within the Saudi Royal house with other countries tied to a scandal of The Act of Treason Against the United States of America and its people, the conclusion was to draft legislation and place it before the Senators within Court to launch a independent Investigation of violation of America’s safety by those who are alleged to have benefitted within their offices within the Government to cause the events which lead up to Sept 11th and other prior events of terrorism used to control, frighten and harm the People of the United States and cause and escalate war within Iraqi with knowledge of no weapons of mass destruction being in place as a alleged way to place our troops within that nations and also in violation of the Un and rules of conduct within the International Court of Justice.
I have included my program herein to be heard, and below is a letter to the public to take this in to their US Senator and Congressperson, to asked them to back this request for independent Council being introduced as top priority, because these acts are acts far worse than the issue of President Clinton, this is alleged treason and breach of Security with cover up on top of cover-up of major corruption, this is what is being alleged and if those who have evidence to bring forth can testified then those involved in the deaths 0f over 3,000 people in NYC and others killed in the Iraqi War and other terrorist acts can have legal remedy and justice which was a part of our Constitutional Amendments which are being breach by those who sit within high offices within this land.
Sincerely yours,
D’Anne Burley
The D’Anne Burley Show - Featured on Host of the TV Show Backdoor Stuff News on GETV Channel 17, daughter of Civil Rights Activist, Journalist, Reporter and Music The late Dan Burley.
BDS Productions
From: D’Anne Burley
Host and Producer of “The D’Anne Burley Show featured on Mon - Tues - Wed 6pm central time
P.O. Box 13019, Chicago, Illinois 60613 Ph 630-918-6967
E-mail Blogger:
Internet Radio Program:
D’Anne Burley’s Story about terrorist Cell in Illinois:
Program Guest:
New Internet Radio Station:
Press Release
From: Ms. D’Anne Burley - Activist, Host and Producer of The D’Anne Burley Show - featured on, and a citizen of the United States of America, who is seeking that Justice is bought back into the US., whereby I as many others have felt that we have been lied to and caused harm, placed in financial bankruptcy, whereby those who have whistle blew facts with documentation and evidence are denied basic rights within civil procedure to have a case heard without bias, and with equal justice, all caused by those who have sought to use government offices and their clout, influence, connections with Corporations, State and local Government Officials, and law enforcement agencies within these offices to commit crimes against the United States, the people within and the World.
Because those involved had place a news EMBARGO on many Radio Stations, and news sources within the United States much of the facts of Sept 11th., 2001, and prior assaults against the America public has been suppressed, and or covered up so that they can continue to gain and establish control and connections worldwide for the reason of Financial Gain and Control, which are all acts of “Conflict of Interest” which because of these actions place the United States at risk from nations of the world obtaining our secrets, ane by used of privatized makes the US at risk to foreign take over of control because of those who seek to do business outside our nation because of ties to Oil Businesses and other business involvement which has and will net them economical wealth while serving as our world leaders and officials.
To date there has been countless numbers of lawsuits filed on the behalf of families of the victims of 9/11 who have not receive any benefit from all the money connected from donations to the Red Cross and other non-for-profit agencies who claimed to have collected money for them, the victims of Oklahoma City have stood alone, with many questions left unanswered by again government officials who had special agents involved who were told to watch Timothy McVeigh and others prior to the bombing with no one doing anything to stop these events went the agents sought to get those within the Government to do something to stop the event.
The families of Oklahoma City received less than nothing and no financial aid other that one alleged person who got a $10k tax break. While there were alleged Fema funds, again the issue of this event laid within the hands of those involved within our nation. To this date their has been no account to where all the money had gone.
Within the past week the news Embargo was lifted only on Cable Stations and because of this C-Span will on May 7th., 2005, have a program on with a Professor who wrote the Book “ THE NEW PEARL HARBOR” on the program who will share within his lecture and forum information on facts and details about 9/11 and the World Trade Center in NYC.
On the heels of C-Span being able to report more without reprisal citizens within the US and the world will see that there are many facts which were hidden and not fully investigated on all the events of “Terrorism against America and the World”.
And the cover-up and facts missed will be open for public view.
As a Talk Show Host, Investigative Reporter and a Whistle Blower in Illinois who located a Jihad, and Al-Quada Cell with Flight School in Palos Hills, Palos Heights, Broadview and Chicago with ties within various counties, Saudi Royal House, and those with vested interest in our Government who had protected those outside the US because of connections to Oil firms, and other businesses, all alleged profiting off of sub-ownership roles, and investments in foreign based businesses.
I sought from before 9/11 and after to get the policing agencies to look into facts of Financial gain made via cells here which were used to help finance 9/11 and other events again which were covered up and because of my pursuit against this and other corruption I has many other whistle blowers ended up attacked, poisoned with my home, given poor medical treatment and or treatments that had cause un-recoverable illnesses without any legal remedy of recourse because the corruption factors have reach each and every state and have bloomed into a full scale corruption network going into the White house itself.
On my program on Wednesday May 4th., 2005, I had interviewed with Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med, ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space, 3339 West 41 Avenue Vancouver, BC, and the author of Exopolitic’s about the issue of 9/11 and the book by “The New Pearl Harbor” a book with much detail of facts of 9/11 and alleged actions of those who within this book are alleged connected to lying to the public and the world!
Because of these facts and the facts that on my program as Alfred’s Radio Show in Canada and many other programs on internet, and other radio stations, with credible witnesses, former Government Employees and others all having facts of the same nature and facts that there was an alleged involvement within the United States White House and within the Saudi Royal house with other countries tied to a scandal of The Act of Treason Against the United States of America and its people, the conclusion was to draft legislation and place it before the Senators within Court to launch a independent Investigation of violation of America’s safety by those who are alleged to have benefitted within their offices within the Government to cause the events which lead up to Sept 11th and other prior events of terrorism used to control, frighten and harm the People of the United States and cause and escalate war within Iraqi with knowledge of no weapons of mass destruction being in place as a alleged way to place our troops within that nations and also in violation of the Un and rules of conduct within the International Court of Justice.
I have included my program herein to be heard, and below is a letter to the public to take this in to their US Senator and Congressperson, to asked them to back this request for independent Council being introduced as top priority, because these acts are acts far worse than the issue of President Clinton, this is alleged treason and breach of Security with cover up on top of cover-up of major corruption, this is what is being alleged and if those who have evidence to bring forth can testified then those involved in the deaths 0f over 3,000 people in NYC and others killed in the Iraqi War and other terrorist acts can have legal remedy and justice which was a part of our Constitutional Amendments which are being breach by those who sit within high offices within this land.
Sincerely yours,
D’Anne Burley
The D’Anne Burley Show - Featured on Host of the TV Show Backdoor Stuff News on GETV Channel 17, daughter of Civil Rights Activist, Journalist, Reporter and Music The late Dan Burley.
BDS Productions
From: D’Anne Burley
Host and Producer of “The D’Anne Burley Show featured on Mon - Tues - Wed 6pm central time
P.O. Box 13019, Chicago, Illinois 60613 Ph 630-918-6967
E-mail Blogger:
Internet Radio Program:
D’Anne Burley’s Story about terrorist Cell in Illinois:
Program Guest:
New Internet Radio Station:
To Whom it may concern;
To be submitted to the Senate and the Congress, please submit a request to your Legislator to back this campaign for a “Independent Prosecutor to “Prosecute those who had alleged involvement in Treason again the United States of America” and, who financially gained by acts of September 11th., 2001, the war in Iraqi, Oil, Corporate Privatization of Government Departments , with foreign financial Gain in doing such, and who acted in “Conflict of Interest” as committing these acts and actions to receive financial gain from current, prior business ties while within office.
The alleged involvement of the same, persons and individuals who financially gained in creating the venue and not investigating those who were allegedly involved in Sept 11th., 2001 by redirecting the nation away from those who had possible connections in a massive cover-up as stated within request made below:
Sincerely yours,
The D’Anne Burley Show Featured on “”
6pm Central time on Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday
Listen to the Program by clicking on:
Program Guest:
New Internet Radio Station:
Program Guest: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med
ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space
3339 West 41 Avenue, Vancouver, BC
Program date: May 4th., 2005
Topic: 9/11 Coverup and the new Book Called “The New Pearl Harbor” C-Span Program
Scheduled for May 7th., 2005 at 1pm.
D’Anne Burley, Alfred Webre, of Exopolitic’s from Vancouver Ca., were on this program discussing these issues and facts of Treason alleged against those within The United States Government, because of the implied dangerous acts against America, and it’s people which leaded to the Middle Eastern War, the killing of over 3,000 Americans in NYC from the Terrorist Event on Spet 11th., 2001, and millions worldwide effected financial, and those who are in foreign lands and are troops exposure to Du and other radiation we felt that legislation needed to be drafted concerning appointment of an Independent Council to investigate alleged “Acts of Treason committed my those listed within the documented to be submitted below.
We felt that we would seek out the aid of Leuren Moret Geophysical Scientist Lecturer, is an independent scientist who works on radiation and public health issues with communities around the world. She earned her B.S. in Geology at U.C. Davis in 1968, and her M.A. in Near Eastern Studies from U.C. Berkeley in 1978. She has completed all but her dissertation for a PhD. in the Geo sciences at U.C. Davis. After working 5 years at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and two years at the Livermore nuclear weapons lab, she left Livermore and now dedicates her life to revealing and understanding the actual health effects of radiation exposure. She has worked extensively on the impact of radiation on public health from nuclear power plants and atmospheric testing and how radiation moves through the environment.are launching legislation to appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Richard B. Myers and other John and Jane Does in planning and carrying out the acts of treason in an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.
follow-up on our article and radio programme: 9/11 & THE WEAPONIZATION OF SPACE
Attached and below is: The 911 Independent Prosecutor Act'
REQUEST: We hereby request that you secure The 911 Independent Prosecutor Act' introduction into the U.S. Senate and U.S House of Representatives, starting with:
Leuren Moret:
Rep Cynthia McKinney
Washington D.C. Address
320 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC, 20515
Phone: 202-225-1605
Fax : 202-226-069
4th District Address
North DeKalb Mall
2050 Lawrenceville Highway, Suite D-46
Decatur, Georgia 30033
Phone: 404-633-0927
Fax : 404-633-0968
Bulvard Highway Satellite Address
3523 Buford Highway NE
Suite 201
Atlanta, Georgia 30329
Phone: 404-320-2001
Fax : 404-320-3496
Rep. Barbara Lee
District Office
1301 Clay Street
Suite 1000 North
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 763-0370
Fax: (510) 763-6538
D'Anne Burley: The D’Anne Burley Show -
Sen. Durbin, Richard- (D - IL)
Class II
(202) 224-2152
Sen. Obama, Barack- (D - IL) Class III
(202) 224-2854
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med
ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6N3E5 CANADA
Tel: 604-733-8134
Fax: 604-733-8135
Draft to be submitted please fax to your US Senator and Congressperson to asked them to support this legislation we need your support to investigate this and to allow all whistle blowers to go before the Us Senate and the House to show evidence, facts of their complains many which were filed in court without any recourse within the justice system because of alleged violations of civil Right laws, and others who have been fired and retaliated against, as a result of being a Federal, State Whistle Blower and or those who became involved with persons and individuals who were allowed to operate terrorist cells with alleged connections and clout within state law enforcement agencies and protection with those within State and Federal Government.
Whereby Whistle blowers are force into property, despair, bankruptcy, and danger from those who have been allowed to shut them up or harm them.
We need you to help us and call and make calling trees to get those in both houses involved in protecting the civil rights of Americans and also to get a major investigation to once and for all investigate the 9/11 coverup and conspiracy against the United States and the World.
Sincerely yours,
D’Anne Burley
=======================Submitted to US Senate on Thursday and was sent across the World!=====
Joint Res. _______
____ Session
Joint Res. _______
To appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard B. Myers and other John and Jane Does in planning and carrying out the acts of treason in an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.
Date: ____________________
Sen. ________________________ and Rep. ____________________________________ introduced the following Joint Resolution of the Congress of the United States
To appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard B. Myers and other John and Jane Does in planning and carrying out the acts of treason in an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
WHEREAS, the attacks upon the Pentagon and the World Trade Center of September 11, 2001 were a strategic deception operation of the US Administration, carried out by US Government Aircraft and Missiles, under the direct orders of President George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and
WHEREAS, the goals of the strategic deception operation of September 11, 2001 included providing a pretext for the unilateral abrogation of the ABM Treaty (announced by George Walker Bush on June 13, 2002) and for the weaponization of space; for the abrogation of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution; and for the launching of illegal wars of aggression in violation of international law.
WHEREAS, There is a sufficient legal threshold of evidence to issue an indictment for the crime of Treason against these individuals under the US Constitution, which in Article III(3) provides: "Sect. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on open confession in open court."
This Act may be cited as the `The 911 Independent Prosecutor Act'.
Congress reaffirms the prohibition under the US Constitution, which in Article III(3) provides: "Sect. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on open confession in open court."
Congress hereby appoints and fully funds an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard B. Myers and other John and Jane Does in planning and carrying out the acts of treason in an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.
The 9/11 Independent Prosecutor shall submit public progress reports to the Congress every 90 days.